Sunday, February 6, 2011

St Augustine

Many thanks to all our friends at St Augustine who welcomed us very kindly for a few days !

St Augustine is the only catholic university in South Africa, and offers undergraduate (license) and graduate (master) degrees in Economics, Philosophy, and Theology. They currently have about 500 students but expect to expand this number quickly. Their campus is in Johannesburg, near Victory Park.

We came to St Augustine to meet Jakub, a Polish Fidesco* volunteer, who after finnishing his doctorate in Theology came here to be a lecturer, and Dennis, a Dutch Fidesco* volunteer who works in the facilities team. Through them we also met Nontando, who is just finishing her doctorate entitled "Trinitarian responses to gender challenges in the context of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa" (a theme that Clem finds extremely interesting !! Many thanks again for the book which I am currently reading and which is extremely insightful!), and invited us for a lovely evening in her home. We also met Charles, a South African lecturer at the University of Johannesburg, and his German fiancée Jutta, who were full of tips and helpful recommendations.
Finally thank you also to Father Michael and Jean-Marie who allowed us to stay for 2 days !

lovely evening at Nontando's
Thank you friends for such a warm welcome, and a great introduction to Africa !!

* Fidesco is a Catholic institution based in France that sends volunteers abroad on 1 to 2 year missions in health, education, management ... for more information, see their website.

1 comment:

  1. Même en anglais j'ai compris (et Virginie pourrait témoigner qu'avec moi, ce genre d'exercice n'était pas gagné) :-)
